Please find below answers to some of our most recurring questions.
When you placed your order, you should have received an Order Confirmation email, click on the "Track My Order" button in the email to check the status of your order.
Please check your Spam and Promotions folders if you do not find this email.
If your order has already been dispatched, you should have received a Dispatch Confirmation email with a tracking number.
Please click on the button "Track My Order" to check the status of your parcel's delivery on the courier's website. If the link does not work, please copy and paste the tracking number on the courier's tracking website.
If your order still has not been delivered 5 days after the estimated delivery date, please contact us.
Please note it can take up to 12 hours for a tracking number to display any updates on a courier's website. Please wait and try again. If the tracking number is still not recognised or does not show any information after 1 full working day, please contact us.

If you miss a delivery, it is important that you take action urgently, your order may be returned to us if it exceeds retention time at the courier and a returned parcel fee may apply.

If you placed an order with Royal Mail, please visit the Royal Mail tracking website and enter your tracking number, you will have the ability to schedule a re-delivery or a pick up from your local post office.

If you placed an order with DPD, your parcel may be left for collection at the closest pick up shop. Please visit the DPD tracking website and enter your tracking number to check the status of your parcel's delivery, you will have the ability to see if the parcel is due for redelivery or if it has been left at a pick up shop. You may also schedule a re-delivery or request a pick up from your local pick up shop.

We offer paperless returns. Please visit our returns page, familiarise yourself with our returns policy and fill in our returns form. A customer service will be in touch and provide you with the appropriate returns instructions within 2 working days. Please do not return your order prior to receiving instructions, your return may be lost and this may delay our ability to process an exchange or a refund.

If the product you ordered does not seem to power on or function properly, please try the below:

If the toy is powered by batteries:

Please try new batteries, it is worth trying a couple new sets of batteries and ensuring these are inserted the correct way. You can check the type of battery on the product page on our website, on the instructions or the battery compartment of the product.

Please try pressing and holding the on switch button for 5 seconds or longer, if the product is a twist cap, please ensure the cap is properly attached, closed and twist gently in either direction to power on the toy.

If the toy is USB rechargeable:

Please try to charge the product using an alternative power source. You may want to try plugging the USB charger directly onto a computer, use a phone charger and try a different wall power outlet.

You may also want to ensure the charger is properly connected to the toy and leave it on charge for a full night. Once charged overnight, you may want to try pressing and holding the off switch button for 5 seconds or longer.

Once you have received an email confirming your order, it is no longer possible to modify or cancel your order. We work with an automated fulfilment partner and in order to ensure speedy delivery, orders are prepared almost instantly. If you wish to return your order once you have received it, please simply fill in our returns form. Please do not refuse delivery as a returned parcel fee will apply.
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