Modern Slavery Statement 2024/2025

This statement has been published in accordance with section 54 (1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015. It sets out the steps taken by SRD DIGITAL LTD. T/A Loveoutlet during the period ending 30 March 2025 to prevent modern slavery in its business & supply chains. 

Our structure

Loveoutlet's principal activity is the online retail of lingerie, apparel, adult toys & related accessories through its unique website Our product supply chain is controlled through a unique supplier and fulfilment centre based in the UK. 

Our policies, due diligence, audits & controls

We are committed to ensuring there is no modern slavery in any part of our business & supply chains, to act ethically and with integrity in all our business & supplier relationships, to implement & enforce effective policies, monitoring systems & procedures to ensure slavery and human trafficking is not taking place anywhere in our business & supply chains. The policies we have put in place include but are not limited to: 

  • Our supplier code of conduct, which is part of our supplier due diligence process and ensures all our suppliers are aware of and adhering to the highest ethical standards prior to commencing supply
  • Our whistleblowing policy, which allows & encourages all individuals across our entire business & supply chains to report any concerns of any wrongdoing which may lead to an increased risk of modern slavery without any fear of retaliation

Our assessment of effectiveness in preventing modern slavery 

We recognise the need to keep modern slavery risk a priority and continuously assess our policies, controls and training (both internally and externally within our supply chain) to ensure that this risk is mitigated.

This statement was approved by the Director of SRD DIGITAL LTD. T/A Loveoutlet 



Sebastien Dupouy




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